Sunday, May 31, 2009

My first two weeks

Hi everyoone! I started out clinical training with floating between treatment machine and the nurses station. I will do that until I reach my 40 hours at the nursing station. I am feeling really comfortable with leveling patients, seting up the room, and table controls, etc. Haven't driven the machines yet, but trying to get that going. My supervisor can tell that I set high goals for myself, but she doesn't want me to overwhelm myself too fast. I have already seen too emergencies..SCC and excessive bleeding. I love my pediatric patients, but it is definitely stressful because they try and sit still for the CT sim and VS but it is very difficult to make them understand why they have to sit still. I have a 3 year old boy who fell out of a shopping cart and the parents took him in to get checked and the found a mass in his brain and it has continued to grow so we are treating him. Hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to hear more stories from everyone!


  1. Hey Steph,

    I had a very similar conversation with my supervisor about doing and understanding things. I know we are just a few weeks into our clinics and have a long way to go, but it is hard not to want to help more. I do get to drive the linac some and have helped set up a few people in both sim and TX, but mostly I prep the room, observe and walk people down to CT.

  2. Steph,
    I've really only been on the treatment machine since I've started so I'm looking forward to starting my nurses rotation in a couple of weeks. My supervisor wanted me to start on our easiest machine to run (21EX) and then I can move up to the big guys (Trilogy and Tomo). How is the weather down there so far?


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